Caramel Sauce

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Looking for a great substitute for heavy cream in caramel sauce? How about 4 incredible heavy cream substitute options that can work well in caramel sauce?

Keep reading to find out how you can use items you likely have in your fridge as heavy cream alternatives for caramel sauces.

Caramel Sauce


Sticky, gooey, sweet caramel sauce can be used for many desserts such as ice cream, cake, pie, milkshakes, and more.

One of the key ingredients in caramel sauce is heavy cream, but you might be about to whip up a batch and realize you don’t have any heavy cream handy. If this is you, you’re probably wondering; What can I use instead of heavy cream in caramel sauce?

Don’t stop your recipe yet, as we have laid out some of the best options to substitute for heavy cream in caramel sauce that don’t sacrifice taste!


half and half


Half-and-half are equal parts milk and cream mixed together. This means that it contains a lot less fat and calories but is similar enough in taste and consistency to make an ideal substitute for heavy cream in caramel sauce.

Some recipes actually list half-and-half rather than heavy cream as it is such a similar, but slightly healthier, replacement.

You can use the same amount of half-and-half as heavy cream, for a conversion rate of 1:1.

Milk and Butter

milk and butter mixture


Can you substitute milk for heavy cream in caramel? Yes, you can as milk is a great heavy cream alternative in caramel sauce.
Simply add milk to the caramel and whisk to combine, then add the butter at the end to create the creamy texture that heavy cream usually adds to caramel sauce.

Mix ½ a cup of milk and 1 tablespoon of butter to make a mixture that can be used at a conversion rate of 1:1 to heavy cream.

Evaporated Milk

evaporated milk


Can I substitute evaporated milk for heavy cream in caramel? Yes, you can. Evaporated milk incorporates beautifully into caramel sauce, which means that it makes a really good replacement for heavy cream in a caramel sauce recipe.

Some recipes even list evaporated milk on their ingredients list instead of heavy cream.

Use equal amounts of evaporated milk to replace heavy cream, or a 1:1 conversion ratio.

Coconut Cream or Milk

Coconut milk


For a dairy-free or vegan substitute for heavy cream in caramel sauce use coconut cream or coconut milk with vegan butter. Coconut cream has extremely similar contents of fat and calories as heavy cream, and the same consistency.

Coconut cream can be used at the same amount of heavy cream for a conversion rate of 1:1. Coconut milk and vegan butter can be used in the same quantities as the milk and butter listed above.

There you have it! Four easy ways to replace heavy cream in a caramel sauce recipe. So, even when you have no heavy cream on hand, you can still whip up an amazing batch of caramel to enjoy with all your favorite desserts!

More heavy cream substitutes

Looking for a great substitute for heavy cream in caramel sauce? How about 4 incredible heavy cream substitute options that can work well in caramel sauce? Check out these 4 amazing ways to replace heavy cream in caramel sauce now!

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